Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Extraordinary Grace: 20 Years of Marriage

I am an ordinary man resting under an extraordinary grace. 

I sit writing this on the eve of celebrating 20 years of marriage to quite simply the most beautiful woman I have ever known.  I say this, not as some silly, over romanticized sentiment, but as an absolute, chiseled in granite truth that I have come to experience and know.

Cynthia is beautiful in every way that a man hopes to find beauty.  In a very indulgent and perhaps self-serving way I want to share some ways I see her beauty much more clearly than I did 20 years ago when she took my breath away as she walked down the aisle to become my wife.  These are in no particular order and I was not real concerned about grammar, after all I am in love and when one is in love grammar matters little. This may or may not make sense to anyone but me.  But sometimes you just need to praise what you love publically

Here’s how I’ve seen Cynthia’s beauty unfold like a flower over the past 20 years:

Her eyes are deep pools of calm in my world, which sometimes seems to rage with all the force of a category 5 hurricane.

Her hair is as fine silk, even now streaked with gray that speaks not so much of age as it does a wisdom beyond her years.

A single kiss from her lips can still disorient me and cause me to take leave of my senses

A single touch of her hand can bring comfort and instill a strength in me like nothing else can.

In her face I see the reflection of the four most amazing children I have ever known.  I might add that all that is good in them is clearly from her and well, the bad traits can easily be traced to me.

In her tears I see the heart of mercy and compassion that often causes her to go without so others can have.

She has a way of seeing the best in people and hanging on to the hope that God can redeem even the vilest among us.

Her laugh is strong and flowing like a river bringing life to a desert.

I see her beauty in the fact that she almost never has a day off. She manages our house, makes 98% of the meals, cleans, home schools our 4 kids, and serves as chauffeur to every form of soccer/football/tennis/karate practice that the fantastic 4 are involved in.  She truly has the stamina of a super hero.

She always (and I mean every time) honors her commitments.  I have never once in 20 years seen her fail to keep her word to anyone.

She values truth more than anyone I have ever met.  She is the most honest person I know.

She loves our children with all the ferocious tenderness of a mother grizzly bear (trust me that’s a compliment).

She’s a good dancer.

She’s a great kisser.

She gives the greatest hugs ever.

She falls asleep during 80% of the movies we watch together. But I don’t mind because she’s a good snuggler.

All of these things make her beautiful to me. But the thing I find the most beautiful is that she loves ME.  The strongest chords of her beauty wrap themselves around a man who is more flawed than he was 20 years ago. Yet, she refuses to quit on me and somehow manages to love me even more with each day that has rolled by into 2 decades of truth and beauty.

God truly is the giver of all good things.  The greatest gift he has ever given me (outside of saving me) is the gift of a girl of whom I can say there is :

None more precious
None more captivating
None more exciting
None more breathtaking
None more beautiful

Cynthia…thanks for walking down that aisle 20 years ago.  I love you. 


  1. Love it! Congratulations on 20 years. We miss y'all immensely!

  2. Vic Doss's version of the Song of Solomon...so lovely! Congratulations to you both. :)
